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ARTICLE: Who You Are Becoming by Bosede Santos

Written by on 9th January 2023

I mean that you have been saved by grace because you believed. You did not save yourselves; it was a gift from God. You are not saved by the things you have done, so there is nothing to boast about. God has made us what we are. In Christ Jesus, God made us new people so that we would spend our lives doing the good things he had already planned for us to do.Eph. 2:8-10ERV

Our lives are progressive.

“What does that mean really?” you may wonder.

As simple as it sounds. Our lives keep evolving and the sum of our lives becomes an exploration, or the discovery of the life God planned for us before we were born.

Today’s scripture tells us we were created to accomplish some outstanding things on the earth. We were not saved to end up frustrated or under achieve. Going by God’s testament through Jeremiah, His plans are to bring us to a good future.

Our salvation is a gift, and it sets us up on the path of this successful life God wants us to live. What we will daily become is the doer of good works as the Father conceived, even before we were born. What we would be has been defined according to the Father’s plan, we now have to connect with the Holy Spirt to discover and live it out.


In the Psalms, God responding to David’s petition promised, “I will teach you and guide you in the way you should live. I will watch over you and be your guide.”  What an awesome advantage to have the Lord of all creation be one’s personal Guide through life! But that is what we have freely available to us. Jesus Christ said He had to go away so the Father would send us another Comforter. One who would be in us and teach us and remind us of everything we had been told.

Concerning you and me, God has concluded everything that pertains to our lives. We have the responsibility to become who He created us to be. We have the responsibility to connect with the Holy Spirit and ask Him to reveal the blueprint to us. It is His pleasure to do that for us

The Holy Spirit, the person of the Godhead with us on the earth today, and the written word have been given to us to navigate this life.

Friend, how would you seek the Holy Spirit this year?


  • Pray and ask the Holy Spirit what the Father has in store for you this year.
  • Write down what He tells or shows you, and daily ask for the steps He wants you to take to accomplish them. Determine to do whatever He asks you to do


Father, I thank You for the good plan and work you have for me to do. I commit to it so I may accomplish Your will for my life I ask You Holy Spirit to help me discover these allotted assignments this year, so my life would glorify and honour my Father. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

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