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Audacious Worship – Miracle Worker

Written by on 30th July 2020

We understand this is a difficult time for many and hope that any resources we can share will support your loyal listeners as they continue to have hope and believe for the future. May you be blessed, remain safe and keep well during this challenging season.

Even now, God is present and powerful. (Psalm 22), What prompted !Audacious Worship to write a song reminding us that God’s miracles can break out in the middle of worship services? Matt Hill, songwriter from the Manchester-based worship collective, points to a line from their new track, ‘Miracle Worker’:

‘Right now, He’s moving in power.’ It’s a line that points to an earth-shaking truth that occurs whenever believers gather to sing to God. Seen, or unseen, as Psalm 22 says, God is present and powerful.

‘That reminder that in this moment as we worship, as we lift God up and praise Him… He is present with us. Maybe we’ll never hear the stories, maybe we’ll never even know what He did in that moment, but just to know that He is, I think is just amazing… A declaration song, that everyone could sing in the congregation, that our God is a miracle-working God, you know, like he is moving right now.’

What most people first notice about !Audacious Church is the name. They call themselves audacious out of a desire to be bold and daring in worship. In praise, they remind themselves of the size of God. The desire to remind themselves that God is big enough to be present and powerful, right in the room as they worship.

So it makes sense that !Audacious songwriters would ground their lives in an expectation for the miraculous in the here and now. Matt’s personal history with miracles comes from long before he could even pray for them. ‘When I was born, I was actually born premature. I think eight weeks premature which at the time, in 1983, that was quite a significant thing and my mum nearly died. My dad overheard that the medical staff talking about how they were going to get rid of the medical waste and things – which actually was me. I think at a time my parents would have said they were Christians, but they weren’t necessarily Spirit-filled. Dad would say that he prayed, you know, and cried out to God. He didn’t know really what he was doing. He wasn’t a very experienced Christian at the time, I guess. And there came a change in staff. And then the staff that were then looking after my mum at the time, basically had a real pro-life, and maybe faith-filled, outlook. They just did everything they could to save me and save my mum. We are both still here today, which is incredible. But my dad would fully say that was a complete miracle.’

It’s a story that’s given him a unique perspective on the miraculous – belief in a God who dramatically intervenes, but who doesn’t need our transactional prayers. It grounds the sky-high expectations of a church with a name like !Audacious, in the authenticity of the real people behind the worship leader profile. ‘Sometimes we sort of pray a little bit like God is Santa Claus and we’re sort of praying ‘give me this, God,’ and ‘fix this problem in my life,’ and that’s a little bit sort of first world view of God, as in, our God is like Amazon – if I order this in the right way, he’ll deliver. And, of course, we do believe God is a miracle-working God and God can do incredible things, but we didn’t want the song to be pushed that way so are you [only] singing this if you if you need a breakthrough. Because I didn’t want it to be transactional, but we wanted to declare the goodness of God and the power of God. That sometimes we can’t see that he’s moving, but in truth he’s moving all the time… Trust God and believe in Him, and ask for Him to do audacious, incredible, miraculous, ridiculous things. Know that He both will and does.’

Scratch beneath the surface of !Audacious’ upbeat, catchy praise music, and there’s a glimpse into something deeper: what it looks like to expect the move of God, in a life that’s seen dramatic miracles in harrowing circumstances.

Add ‘Miracle Worker’ by !Audacious Worship to your playlist today!


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