Kylie Bokolo releases 11 -track album ‘Because of You’
Written by Sunny Unachi on 25th May 2020
As the world battles through the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, Kylie Bokolo renders hope through the trials and uncertainty “God and faith have been my driving force ,” says Kylie “One thing is for sure God is God and he is our father, Because of him we are assured that this too shall pass.
And Because the Lord is our shield and Rampart we will win this battle and the sun will shine again.After the release of her singles “Because Of you” Imela, Hallelujah & Holy God. Kylie is set to finally Release The debut 11-track Studio Album BECAUSE OF YOUAlbum features Inspirational original songs that is sure to uplift hearts and stir up spirits as we weather the storms of life.
And Because the Lord is our shield and Rampart we will win this battle and the sun will shine again.After the release of her singles “Because Of you” Imela, Hallelujah & Holy God. Kylie is set to finally Release The debut 11-track Studio Album BECAUSE OF YOUAlbum features Inspirational original songs that is sure to uplift hearts and stir up spirits as we weather the storms of life.
Because of you carries you through my journey of relationship, victories ,hope ,faith , love and transformation through Yesuah Hamashiac.
My desire for this Album is that every one who listens will reconnect and reconcile with the Sovereign God and we plug in to worship our lord God in spirit and in truth, In our songs and with our life style bringing glory to his name, That the hopeless will find hope again and those who are lost will find their way back to the father. May hearts open, may heart soften and may hearts bow in total Surrender to the supreme God.
Because of you we triumph through Jesus Christ our lord. Get album on iTunes