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Today I am thankful that God accepts me for who I am, I do not need to prove anything to Him or do things to make Him accept me. Most at times we seek the approval of people and so we do so much to get their attention or to get their approval and the […]

I am tired, I am stressed out and I don’t feel like thanking God. How many of us get to this point in our lives where we just feel overwhelmed with all that is going on and just want to shut down? I have been there, been there so many times but the Joy of […]

God makes a way where there seems to be no way. He makes all thinghs new. Today let us thank Him for the new things He is doing. Thank Him for making a way where there seems to be now way #30Daysofthanksgiving

I know God’s thoughts towards me are thoughts of good and evil, but when it seems like everything is going wrong, can I still thank Him? Yesterday my laptop charger broke, I went to the store to get a new one, tried it and it didnt work. Took it back to the store only to […]

Complaining never does us any good. Recently, I was faced with a situation where I was so upset with my eldest son and started to express the way I was feeling, complaining, screaming lol, you can imagine how that went, but then I asked myself what good has that done us, myself and him? I […]

Nothing God does is small or common place. Sometimes we tend to belittle the things God does for us, because it is not that ‘big thing’ we are expecting Him to do but He is a great God and everything He does is good and is forever so why don’t we come to Him today […]

God makes all things right.  Whatever the enemy intends for evil, He turns it around for our good. You may be in a situation where it seems everything is going wrong, why not trust Him and lift your voice in thanks. He always does right. He is faithful and He is just. #30Daysofthanksgiving

We all have many opportunities to complain on a regular basis, but complaining doesn’t do us any good. It doesn’t solve any problems, it just opens doors for the enemy. So instead of complaining, let us choose to respond to God every day by developing an attitude of gratitude. Its not just a once in […]

God’s Love never fails. His Love is from everlasting to everlasting. His Love will never quit on you

Happy New Month Fam! I love April! I love seeing the flowers bloom! I love hearing the birds chirping! I love seeing all the colours! I love Spring! Spring and ”springtime” according to Wikipedia refer to the season, and also to ideas of rebirth, rejuvenation, renewal, resurrection and regrowth. As we celebrate this rebirth, let […]

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