The COVID-19 pandemic unquestionably presents an era-defining challenge to public  health and global economy. However, this global outbreak has had a devastating effect on developing nations that are home to some of the planet’s most vulnerable communities. Urgent action is needed to prevent the disease spreading unchecked, and to provide critical humanitarian aid that...

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Alpha Course Numbers Soar during Lockdown

The Alpha Course has seen even larger numbers of people participate during Covid-19 than prior to the lockdown. Nicky Gumbel, who transformed Alpha from a short-course for new Christians at Holy Trinity Brompton to a global evangelistic tool, admitted he was surprised by how well it was doing after being moved completely online during the...

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Churches Allowed To Open For Individual Prayer From June 15

The Government has announced that churches will be allowed to be open to individuals for private prayer, from the 15th of June The Government had been under pressure last week to introduce the phased re-opening of churches after lockdown measures in the retail and other sectors started to ease.  A Number 10 spokeswoman stated: “The...

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