Scripture: Luke 10:25–37

‘Which of these three do you think was a neighbour to the man who fell into the hands of robbers?’ The expert in the law replied, ‘The one who had mercy on him.’ Jesus told him, ‘Go and do likewise.’ (Vv 36–37)

Jesus taught with parables, simple stories illustrating an essential truth. This is a familiar one. It simply says look out for your neighbour. But on closer reading it says more, raising questions for us to consider. If we choose to apply scripture to our everyday life then we’ll need to think about how best to read the Bible. Reading the whole Bible in a year can prove valuable but not if read for reading’s sake. This will only mean we have consumed a lot of words without learning much. It’s also one reason many find reading the Bible boring. In reading any book we want to connect with the characters, engage with the plot, and understand the outcomes. The Bible is our life manual, we want to discover how to apply it to our lives.

Read this parable and pay attention. How does it make you feel? We all know we’re not supposed to pass by the abandoned man, but if we get involved are we placing ourselves at risk of being attacked? Do I want the inconvenience of rearranging my day to take care of this stranger? Harsh I know, but these are often our true feelings. Reading carefully will raise many questions we need to think about. Our reactions may surprise us, but they reveal who we really are; our fears, priorities, and perspective. The Gospels are a great place to start with this method of reading to learn how to live the God-life and where we need to change.

Today Consider if you need to change the way you engage with the Bible.

So our Action today. Read this parable and reflect on your reactions. What do you learn about yourself and about living the God-life?

Prayer: ‘Lord, I want to take a closer look at my reactions and attitudes and discover how to become more Christlike everyday. Amen’

You can join the conversation, share your insights, or seek guidance on today’s devotional. Your questions and comments are a valuable part of our spiritual journey together. Please feel free to reach out at with your reflections or inquiries.

Rev Dr Micha Jazz PhD
Delmunach Christian Centre – Moray, Scotland
Grounded in Love, Rooted in Faith.
07526 188371

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