Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15:35–58

‘So will it be with the resurrection of the dead. The body that is sown is perishable, it is raised imperishable; it is sown in dishonour, it is raised in glory; it is sown in weakness, it is raised in power; it is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body.’ (Vv 42–44)

In the concrete reality of today’s world it’s hard to imagine the spiritual. We can touch, taste, and see concrete realities, but the spiritual will always remain intangible. Life requires specific quantities – utility bills, rent, groceries for example. What does the spiritual offer us? It provides the other side to the meaning of our existence. Our material selves work to establish us in society – most traditionally with job, house, and family. These are visible and measurable. Whilst they add to our happiness, we still find that unmet needs remain, which are themselves difficult to describe. We feel them but can’t express them. Saint Augustine was a significant early church leader. Whilst a student he lived an immoral life before recognising, ‘our heart is restless until it rests in you’.There’s no easy material fix for human heartache.

Our frustration is often the degree to which managing the concrete realities of our lives leaves little space and time for the spiritual. However, the most important thing is to spend time considering that our mortal life is neither the final nor fullest experience of experience. We’re created for eternal life with God. Pondering such thoughts whilst on the commute, sitting on the loo, or other convenient moments of daily down time will enrich our appreciation of God and strengthen our ability to live everyday with Jesus. Both our concrete experience of life and our spiritual life in Christ will demand we make daily decisions and actions.

Today Consider the spiritual aspects of your life.

So our Action today. Deliberately consider Jesus during the downtimes throughout your day. This is one form of prayer.

Prayer: ‘Lord, I want the spiritual realities of my life to become as real as the concrete ones. Amen’

You can join the conversation, share your insights, or seek guidance on today’s devotional. Your questions and comments are a valuable part of our spiritual journey together. Please feel free to reach out at with your reflections or inquiries.

Rev Dr Micha Jazz PhD
Delmunach Christian Centre – Moray, Scotland
Grounded in Love, Rooted in Faith.
07526 188371

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