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Daily Devotional: Easter Sunday

Written by on 31st March 2024

Scripture: John 20:1–18

‘They asked her, ‘Woman, why are you crying?’‘They have taken my Lord away,’ she said, ‘and I don’t know where they have put him.’ At this, she turned round and saw Jesus standing there, but she did not realise that it was Jesus.’ (Vv 13–14)

Happy Easter! Jesus is risen and hope spreads throughout creation. Separation from the creator of all is finally ended and relationship restored. Initially two disciples with Mary Magdala were uncertain. They’d lived alongside Jesus for three years. Despite carefully listening to his teaching and observing his ways, they’d failed to grasp his primary message: the recovery of friendship with God through his death and resurrection (John 2:19–22). One disciple eventually entered the tomb and seeing the discarded grave clothes believed, but didn’t understand (V 8). Belief, faith in Jesus’ promises, is critical, however he didn’t understand how this could be and couldn’t grasp its significance.

Mary Magdala meanwhile was overcome with tears because the body of the one she loved was not there. Her assumption was that thieves or the Roman authorities had stolen his body and grief overwhelmed her. The angels are shocked she’s not understood Jesus’ message – but only a meeting with Jesus calms her when despair makes way for unanticipated joy. Jesus is not dead, but alive. It was only as she heard the familiar sound of her name that she recognised Jesus. It is clear that we can both place our faith in Christ as well as understand that he is both risen and present with us in our life everyday. He calls us by name and walks alongside us through every life experience. We may at times lose sight of him, but remember, he is always with us.

Today Consider is your faith and understanding that God is with you now in your present circumstances?

So our Action today. Choose something you struggle with, a relationship, a life problem, etc., and go in search of God within that situation and ask how he might help you to see him in it.

Prayer: ‘Lord, I rejoice in your resurrection. Enable me to find you in every circumstance of my life. Amen’

Date: Monday April 1st

Scripture: John 20:19–23

‘Again Jesus said, ‘Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.’ And with that he breathed on them and said, ‘Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive anyone’s sins, their sins are forgiven; if you do not forgive them, they are not forgiven.’’ (Vv 21–23)

The resurrected Jesus takes time with his disciples. He encourages them to continue to build their friendship with him. Soon he will return to heaven. So, following all the distress, confusion and celebration of the past few days, he brings them peace. As we saw with Mary Magdela emotions were running high. There is a danger that under life’s many pressures we can make snap decisions led by our emotions. These often don’t end well. For our wellbeing we’re reminded that a sense of inner peace is essential, when the competing demands for our time and commitment are quietened. Life’s demands constantly distract us from what’s truly important. One meaning of peace is happiness, a now awareness of contentment whilst holding a relaxed view of our immediate circumstances.

Jesus reminds his audience that their wellbeing begins with a sense of forgiveness and freedom from sin. Where previously their lives were driven by internal and external demands, now they can find their true centre in God, and slowly learn to exercise control over their lives, with the support of God’s Spirit. Not only that, but every disciple can share their story with others and so become part of a movement that puts others in touch with God, and the peace and wellbeing that follows upon forgiveness, faith, and fellowship with God and the church. Jesus is not giving permission for us to act as moral guardians but to be active in sharing the good news of our own freedom story.

Today Consider what are the competing demands that regularly rob you of your wellbeing?

So our Action today. Write a short paragraph or two that tells others how peace with God helps in reducing stress in your life. At Heartsong, we’d love to hear your short story.

Prayer: ‘Lord, may I take time everyday to centre myself in you and learn to be at peace and not under pressure. Amen’

You can join the conversation, share your insights, or seek guidance on today’s devotional. Your questions and comments are a valuable part of our spiritual journey together. Please feel free to reach out at with your reflections or inquiries.

Rev Dr Micha Jazz PhD
Delmunach Christian Centre – Moray, Scotland
Grounded in Love, Rooted in Faith.
07526 188371

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