Scripture: Genesis 12:1–9

‘The Lord had said to Abram, “Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you. “I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you;

I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing.’ (Vv 1–2)

Journeying towards Pentecost, the disciples know Jesus is Risen but are conscious their lives are in danger. Given a message to communicate, they’re uncertain of how to present this message of hope. Like us they have a set of ideas very different from those accepted by most of society; their values are now in potential conflict with  how others prefer to live. In the various encounters with Christ before His ascension they continue to receive instructions about how they might live their new found faith successfully.(Luke 24:44–49). They also had Jesus’ life as an example.

We’re also invited to walk the Jesus way. God invites us to embrace three challenges. First, to learn that his, and therefore our, values are not the same as the surrounding culture in which we live. We must make choices about how we’ll live our lives. Choices that may mean we face criticism. This feels uncomfortable for each of us. Second, through building our friendship with God we discover we can hear his voice and like Abraham must decide if we will be obedient to his leadership. For Abraham and his family this meant life changing decisions and actions. But then Jesus is about changing lives for the best. Finally, we will never be able to know the end from the beginning. Again, Abraham set out not knowing where he was going. He simply learnt to trust God each step of the way (Heb. 11:8–12). This is how our faith grows.

Today Consider what following Jesus faithfully might cost you. Face your fears and uncertainties.

So our Action today. Look at the three challenges Jesus presents and decide how you will respond to each one. If you feel you’ve messed up previously, ask God’s forgiveness and move on.

Prayer: ‘Lord, I want to walk in the footsteps of Jesus and prove a faithful messenger of your word. Amen’

You can join the conversation, share your insights, or seek guidance on today’s devotional. Your questions and comments are a valuable part of our spiritual journey together. Please feel free to reach out at with your reflections or inquiries.

Rev Dr Micha Jazz PhD
Delmunach Christian Centre – Moray, Scotland
Grounded in Love, Rooted in Faith.
07526 188371

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